Tuesday, 27 July 2010

NHS spends £7000 on porn room

Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust has been caught watching something not appropriate! It's a £7,500 invoice for a "special room" kitted out to help men deliver vital supplies of sperm.

The trust's fertility centre received an invoice for £500 on porn movies as well as computer cost, flat screen TVs and various other equipments needed to make the room "appropriate for its use". Would a couple of magazine not have worked for the same result...but cheaper?

Taxpayer associations have highlighted the fact that other fertility centres provide a similar service by spending less than £100 a year on magazines in order to stimulate patients when they need to provide a sperm sample. The taxpayers will find it hard to appreciate the room but let's hope that men in Liverpool who will get to use the NHS porn room will find it great and the best in the country.

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